A Bridge Too Far……….

I think the post title goes a long way to describing how my experiments with a bridge went. In all honesty it didn’t look that bad and the backscene could have been easily tweaked to blend in with it. But the height of the thing overpowered the scene, no surprise there but it was something that I needed to try.

So having scratched that particular itch I shortened the limekiln siding, nature is now slowly reclaiming the remainder of it, and the site in general.

The occupation crossing is now single but remains gated, the cottage beside it will live for another day.

The single crossing works far better in my opinion, the gates are hinged and open outwards rather than across the track, which is typical of such minor crossings. As usual I will leave things as they are for a few days, whilst photos of the new arrangement are taken from various angles. Then, if I’m happy I will work the scene up, if not then I will go the whole hog and remove the the rest of the siding. But at the moment all modelling is on hold due to a minor problem with my right hand, which is preventing me from holding craft tools.

The shortened siding is long enough for two wagons to clear the trap point, I briefly considered modelling a small loading bank and went as far as mocking one up from cereal packaging card, there was enough room for it but it just didn’t look right. So I tried a small yard crane mounted at ground level, which didn’t look too bad, but in the end I decided that less was more and left things well alone.

One of my friends suggested that the siding could be used for withdrawn Pannier tanks. My reply to him is unprintable, nevertheless I couldn’t resist taking this photo.

A few of you have asked me how I’m getting on with the Fordson truck, at the moment it is waiting for the radiator grille, headlamp lens, glazing, wipers, mirrors and interior to be fitted. It will then be a case of fitting the number plates and other small details. I also need to track down some suitable lettering, but at the moment I’m drawing a blank.

The Class 03, or Swindon 204 if you prefer has generated a lot of interest, so here she is again but in colour.

To round this post off here are a few photos taken at the station, today’s engine 5807 is taking water behind the photographer’s back.

And here she is running through the platform road, before setting back into the siding loop to couple to her train.

With a toot of her whistle 5807 gets underway, as you can see below this view is completely different now that the siding has been cut back.

Thanks for dropping by.


4 thoughts on “A Bridge Too Far……….

  1. Glad to hear about your hand Geoff, I’m OK’ish thanks. Glad my idea for the truck might come in handy, it’s not often I come up with anything useful! πŸ™‚



    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is good to know that you are okay (ish). That simple idea of yours is a very useful game changer as far as I’m concerned.


      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hope your hand gets better soon Geoff.

    If all else fails and you can’t find lettering for the lorry, you could always use a darker red paint and ‘paint over’ the previous owners signwriting – the new owner not yet having time to have added their business details! πŸ™‚

    More lovely pictures of the layout, I like the modified siding and crossing. I can well imagine your response to your friends suggestion about the Panniers, but that is an impressive line up!



    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Keith,

      I hope you are keeping well, I have a bit more movement in my hand today thank you, and can now hold a small paintbrush.

      What a brilliant idea for the truck lettering should I be unable to source something suitable, in fact I might do as you suggest regardless. It is such a simple solution and never crossed my mind, so thanks for that πŸ™‚

      I’m rather pleased with the modified siding and crossing myself, one of my other friends described it as looking rather cosy, and I agree.

      Best Wishes,

      Liked by 1 person

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